New Counter 29 December 2011

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Update and brief synopsis


Post my considerable exertion yesterday and an evening solo celebration of Lebanese (without bread), sparkling water and shisha, followed by watching England Vs India until midnight, I awake, with the lark, energised and ready for the day. 

My legs have not a trace of their usual post match stiffness, minor buttock twinge and more noticeable neck issue are the only signs that I did anything. But I can equally get the same neck effect if I lie on the sofa for too long!

I have more energy than usual so have walked the dogs and then spent two hours on the M FB Group and doing chores in my study that have been left unattended for months. Off now to watch some cricket. Feeling very lucky and now passionate to share. 

Synopsis how did I get here 

First off I must recognise the support of my family and my wife particularly. She has helped me through my lows, accepted there are things I simply cannot do and taken on those tasks willingly, any lifting being one such. She has also given me the freedom to explore the benefits of fasting with my annual trip to Koh Samui and that has been the hugely important last piece in my puzzle. 

Dr Ng Wai Lin a cardiologist here in Singapore was the man who like Sherlock Holmes saw a pattern in some odd test results. Put those pieces together and ordered the muscle biopsy that led to my diagnosis in 2005 at the aged of 43. 

Dr Slonim guided me on the right path when I visited him in September 2005 and I will attach later photos of my prescription from him and remember clearly his emphasis on daily exercise for 50 minutes and on higher protein lower carb diet. Would stress each exercise regime he set carefully and uniquely for each patient. I also attach the note he made and the diagram he drew in explanation of the condition. 

There were several opportunities for earlier diagnosis. With instances of rhabdo following exercise, which I knew had some muscular involvement but I did not know why. The medical profession looked to my kidneys when I presented with red/brown urine. Why a CK test was not done remains a mystery. So I am eternally grateful to the genius of Dr Ng Wai Lin.

Andrew Wakelin encouraged me to explore the possibilities and with the Walk Over Wales with he, Stacey Reason and Dan Chambers we not only had a wonderful time but shared an incredible and fulfilling experience as we slogged through the constant rain up hill (mountain) and down dale across Wales. Sally and Peter, Andrew's siblings and Rab picked us up each day, and Sally has been chef de cuisine on ‎that 2010 walk and each walking course since keeping us all nourished with delicious food and great humour. They have no doubt also been a great source of support for Andrew. 

The Facebook Group has also been an important source of encouragement and information. 

Jack Osborne, son of Ozzy, though he does not know it started me on my regular fasts at Spa Samui, an ideal place to learn the benefits of fasting, and to this latest fast that has had such a remarkable impact on my life. 

I firmly believe the wonderful game that is cricket has helped keep me fit enough, without leading to too much muscle damage, through my desire to play as much as I could. 

Following Dr Slonim's prescription has not always been easy and I have not been as compliant as I might have been but always recording how I perform in those 50 minutes has set me a benchmark and targets to achieve. Accepting that progress will be slow but that exercise is vital had enabled me to improve prior to the fast. 

Prior to the fast I would usually start a treadmill session at around 4.5kmph and gradually increase to walk at 6.5/7 kmph ‎and to intersperse with short jogs at up to 8.5 kmph. My best ever session averages 7.2 kmph with longest jog 8 minutes. 

In ketosis I have jogge‎d last week for 20 minutes, 34 minutes and 40 minutes without issue other than with breathing and boredom. 

Finally the fast, water only that led to ketosis. No one told me to do it, I did not discuss it with anyone - I just did it because I wanted to lose weight and get my cholesterol down. I probably took a risk in doing so but it paid off in spades and here again Andrew Wakelin was there to suggest ketosis, when I explained my unexpected improvement in exercise capability while fasting. He is such an enormous advocate for M people everywhere and does much unheralded work behind the scenes, unselfishly for the benefit of all. 

Then I guess my own drive to improve and refusal to accept the status quo and again cricket has a role to play as I have always wanted to stay fit enough to play the game with my son. This recent discovery may enable that for longer. 

The next steps are to follow a Ketogenic diet and see where that leads. Some may see risk I see an incredible opportunity. 

For now a wish I have held in my heart and soul for all my life has been granted. I know how it feels to feel "normal". I am more energised than I have ever been and inspired to dream more dreams and to pursue my passions with even more vigour and energy. 


Unknown said...

I so happy for you Andy and so very proud of your unwavering determination and commitment to find a way. Your way. The only hardship M has caused me is having to see you suffer at times and being unable to help. So you don't need to thank me for anything - although it means a lot that you did. I can't wait for us all to be together again and for us all to have the chance to enjoy the "new you". Very worried that I won't be able to keep up - but that will be a first!! Love you lots xxxx

Conus Business said...

Good on you mate!! I notice that you forgot to thank a certain someone for an exciting weekend of mountain biking in the South Downs many moons ago that must have helped...but I'll let it slide! Looking forward to seeing you in Dec...maybe for a jog??