New Counter 29 December 2011

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Harder today but still a very good treadmill session

Just putting together a note while in cool down on the treadmill. Having pushed myself pretty hard this last 5 days my quads felt the twinges of M this morning and today's session was a little harder than it has been. I was slower to be able to jog. Tried at 16 minutes and managed a 3 minute jog at 7.5 kmph. I tried again at 20 minutes and from then on well in the grove. With 5 mins left of my 50 minutes session I upped my speed to 7.8 kmph. 3 minutes out to 8.1 and then 2 minutes 8.5 k. Finally with 30 seconds to go finished strong at 9 mph. 

Overall average 7.2 kmph. 

I have arranged the dreaded treadmill test with the cardiologist that diagnosed me, for Friday. Mt abysmal performance last time was one of the clues that led him to M. Am hoping to have remained in ketosis and to complete the test this time.

first thing Friday though have a gym session with the Singapore Indoor cricket fitness guru, Jony. Last time I did a supervised gym programme was in 1986 at Tom Turks in Hong Kong. An introduction I was shown how to, use each of the machines and to do several reps on each. this was well before diagnosis. next day full on rhabdo - but not seen as such, and every muscle in my body was rigid. 3 days in hospital, an endoscopy, cystoscopy and renal biopsy later we were none the wiser. i think to justify the expense they "found" minor glomerular abnormalities" - oh the joys of private medicine and a lost and confused 24 year old.

I am sure Friday will not be the same as i now know what i can do and what i cant do and am quite unashamed in saying so. bring it on....

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