New Counter 29 December 2011

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Stay calm and carry on - Ketogenic

Well the results are in and i have a very clear and unequivocal conclusion. Exercising in ketosis works, no question, no doubt, at least on the aerobic side, sadly anaerobic is a very different kettle of fish.....

On the cricket side awoke early and was at the ground, like an excited kid, by 7:45am. Feeling good though twinges, on dragging my kit bag from taxi to field ,are a reminder that M is lurking, waiting for the opportunity of ambush. 

‎I decide to warm up and do a quick 5/6 laps of the field. Don't manage a sustained jog but do walk at pace. Young opponents watching on somewhat bemused. Twinges of M in thighs and calves. 
‎Somewhat unbelievably an eminent local Dr (thanks doc for your encouragement today, and indeed to all i played with) on my team and we started to discuss M. He knew all about the disease so will have some expertise on hand should there be an issue. He also noted he could smell keytones on my breath. 

We have won toss and will bat. Let's do this!

‎Short scratchy innings where I was probably more nervous than I have ever been playing a game and 
was thinking about whether I was feeling constrained by M or not. In the end a ball on a good length took the inside edge of my agitated drive and the walk to the pavilion commenced. One notable event was that I actually called for a 3 and pushed. I was running away from the danger end. But still would not be something I would ever have pushed previously. Took a breather before the next ball but was broadly fine. Hopefully before long I'll get to bat more and we'll really be able to tell....

Will be keeping wicket later so again interesting to see how it goes. ‎In the end I did not keep rather fielded at cover point like an over excited colt. Running in for every ball and chasing anything remotely close by. Several times I chased balls to the boundary and while throwing was an issue (think that must be anaerobic) I was always ready for the next ball and for once willing it to come to me rather than the opposite. What a change and what a feeling that is. 

‎I bowled 3 overs of filth but did pick up two wickets in two balls to be on a hat trick, one with a caught and bowled and the second at catch at short midwicket (sorry to my US friends reading this but it really would take too long to explain!. Less said about the hat trick ball the better!

The point though was not wickets or runs it was the capability to be out there in the middle without a care other than the ball. As if the straight jacket had been taken off, the shackles removed. Unbelievable so much so that I asked for the match ball as a momento. 3 overs 2 for 17 hardly memorable but the feeling I have today will remain with me to my grave. There is no drug known to man that could touch this and as I type tears are welling in my eyes. I think only those readers with McArdle's will truly understand.  I said to my father who is 82 imagine you woke up this morning and turned out for Flax Bourton 1st XI with the physical capability you had when you were 20 - it was like that, except I never had that capability at 20!

‎There is no way I will give this up willingly. No way, simply no way!

My thanks to those I played with today from Non-Benders and those I spoke to after the game from ANZA and from SCC for listening to the smiling lunatic who just would not keep quiet. I hope you will understand the emotions behind it. 

If this is to be the new normal then next time it's "simply" a game of cricket. Today though for me was something far more it was a new beginning.......I may also owe for a used match ball as mentioned above I have acquired one as a reminder of the day that I had confirmation that I do not need to allow this disease to limit me anymore. George prepare for lots of net bowling my son!

On the medical side:

My urine test on Friday night confirmed by turning dark purple, much to my delight, that am still in ketosis. PH between 5-6 which I will have to watch.

On the medical side my fast helped me make major progress and resolve, at least for the time being, one issue my Dr was becoming concerned about, sugar. Results as follows

Glucose ‎                                  61 vs l 110 in May
Total Cholesterol                    225 vs 327  in May
LDL.                                        166 vs 233  in May
Triglycerides                          114 vs 266  in May

Showing the benefits if the fast..........................
CK was 909 not abnormal for me 
Keytones 3+ showing I am well into ketosis

I will get retested‎ in mid August and in the interim will stay of Crestor and adopt a Ketogenic diet. 

Will update tomorrow with any post match issues. A little concerned about the muscles from the anearobic aspects of the game but not from anything else. For me being in ketosis unquestionably makes a difference other M patients will not know unless they dream and dare to try.......‎


Unknown said...

So exciting! Yoou are right about your american friends, I am clueless about your favorite game :-), but totally understand the joy of being able to do what you love.
I know Tracy has said it and I second it. Even when I have overdone myself anerobically,I recover much quicker. Not sure why this would be, but I have experienced it.

andyww1 said...

Thanks seems the case this morning fine. A slight stiff next excepted.