New Counter 29 December 2011

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sorry England but I won't be watching past lunch have a big game tomorrow fact the biggest game, for me, of my life playing cricket will be for Singapore's renowned Non-Benders, a veteran's XI, motto "Numquam Flectemus" and appropriate verse:

We may not bend, we may not throw,
We may not bowl at pace,
But the very least we know
Is how to play God's game with grace.

against  Singapore Cricket Clubs Colts team, unremarkable in itself  perhaps but for me a milestone because for the first time, aged 52, I now believe, I am going to be able to play without feeling the constraints imposed upon me by McArdle's Disease. My journey over the last few weeks has led me to a discovery that remarkably allows me to exercise free from the shackles of the disease, which have been constantly in my mind whenever playing. How will I manage to run another two this ball?(if I have run one before) what shot can I play to avoid that possibility? Please don't make me chase again to the boundary not sure I will make it. Around the age of  11 I first seized up mysteriously running an easy third. I cried as I trudged to the boundary clueless as to why I simply could not run the last three to four yards and was run out. 3 times since I have been hospitalised after playing with rhabdomyolysis.

But cricket I credit with always keeping me active and my passion for the game means I have made every effort to keep going, within my means, which has undoubtedly helped me to remain fit. In recent times I have walked miles around the boundaries edge, living vicariously through the performances of my son George. Some may say, probably including George himself, that attention is too much, but for me the pleasure I get from him playing the game,, with boundless energy and clear talent, is the next best thing to doing it myself. Of course watching Megan play touch or Hannah netball is hugely enjoyable. My game though has always been cricket. For George there is good news  - am hoping this new discovery will mean I can now enjoy my own performances!! Just wish I had found this potential dietary solution that enable me to exercise "normally" years ago.......

For those McArdle's people, today I went to the gym planning a quiet session. Once on the treadmill that was never happening as I simply felt too good. After 10 minutes of gradually increasing speed from 6k to 7k while walking, I then jogged for 38.5 minutes at 7.5k and a final 90 seconds at 8.0k for an all time new PB of 7.3kmph average and all mostly jogging. Being in ketosis through the fast I have undertaken and now a low carb diet is I am convinced the key to this success. Staying in ketosis means I do not need to access the glycogen in muscles that I cannot anyway. This is elegantly described here by a fellow M person who made the same discovery through research rather than pure chance some while ago:

Diet wise some meat and cheese an salad last night. This morning natural yoghurt and a coffee.

I feel like I have rubbed the magic lamp and my genie has garented me the one thing I have often wished for in the past - the ability to feel and exercise "normally" for just one day. So far I have managed 3 days and am feeling energised - up at 5:30am (after watching England find the wrong length consistently until midnight) and then 4 hours of hugely efficient work at the desk - I am at the same time excited and amazed. Now then genie how about that 50 I have been looking for....

I should end by saying I am simply reporting for the benefit of those with McArdle's my experience - being in ketosis allows me to feel normal. I am categorically not saying if everyone did what I have doen they would be able to achieve these results. They might but we each are differnet and not enough research has been done. Please though do your own research, check with your doctor, and consider the possibility.

There is no turning back for me - though I may manage the odd carb to rehydrate after the game.........

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