New Counter 29 December 2011

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Still going - new regime........

After last week's disappointing blood test results I have decided to implement a new regime. Intend to do one 24 hour fast per week and to exercise at least 5 times a week in the gym and to keep calorie intake around 2000 a day. Objective to lose a little excess weight and to see how such a regime, combined with staying in ketosis will impact cholesterol. This will likely be easier to achieve while here in Singapore and not travelling on business, which I will be at month end. 

This week has gone to plan with exercise near prior PBs and an indoor cricket match with no ill effect. Back outside for cricket tomorrow and looking forward to it without any apprehension, which remains a very liberating experience.

Sunday update

30 overs of wicket-keeping and only my fingers experience any pain, and that from not catching cleanly, certainly no M issues whatsoever.

No question on carrying on. Ketosis works for me...

Monday, October 6, 2014

Friday October 2nd

Another good week in Ketosis. A few late nights have meant more tired than of late but have stuck to the diet and today, only my second treadmill session of the week resulted in a 50 minutes at an average speed of 8.8k and starting jogging at 8 from the very start. 

Blood test indicated CK as very low for me at 373. Bearing in mind my prior readings have been more often between 750 and 2,000 this is positive if not yet statistically significant. 

Cholesterol though worse. HDL is better at 47 (Pre fast 42)  but LDL has risen to 276 (233 pre fast). Need to keep a close eye on this and plan to test again in 6-8 weeks. In the interim am hoping I can stick to both diet and a regular gym regime of 6 sessions a week to see if with regular exercise I can bring this down while maintaining Keto diet. 

We will see. Other alternative will be Crestor but I'd prefer to avoid drugs if I can.