New Counter 29 December 2011

Monday, August 14, 2017

Day one - much needed new regime commences

The scales don't lie... a weekend at the Singapore Cricket Club T20 tournament seems to have piled on the weight. This mornings 87.1kg was a disappointment but in hindsight no real surprise. The good work of my fast in Koh Samui has been somewhat undone - all the more reason to give the new Ketogenic regime 100% effort. Starting today with a 24 hour fast from 6pm last night when we had a family dinner, that was in no way ketogenic. Today though is another day. Coffee and tea have sustained me until nearly 3pm so not long now until I can enjoy a very keto friendly steak salad dinner. Tomorrow features ketogenic bagels, which I have not made before and Gordon Ramsay scrambled eggs:

Given fasting today have decided to kick off with exercise tomorrow, and in truth my body has yet to recover from the weekend's excesses.

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