New Counter 29 December 2011

Sunday, January 29, 2012


.... get going with the post Chinese New Year second chance. A reasonably comfortable treadmill session 5.1 kmph ave speed at 5.3% average incline.

This despite unusual right thigh dull pain in muscle core. Not something I recall experiencing before....

5 times this week- hope so!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

One of many good things

about living in Asia is you get two New Years and the chance to kick start twice. So for me back to the gym with renewed vigour after Chinese New Year.

Yesterday spent lovely day with friends on their boat. Always though frought with danger - others swam to sure - I started but as muscles got tight returned to the boat for a dinghy transfer. Swam a little but had to haul myself back onto the back of the boat. Stomach muscles particularly upset with me this morning and for some reason neck. Hey ho- guess I was never made for life at sea.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Live from Haneda airport

No exercise since Monday in Brunei - the distances one has to travel in Asia mean so much of the day is spent either @ airports, on the way to or from them or on planes and the need to catch up on email or sleep has got in the way. Mind you as airports are generally so big some exercise is possible just getting to and from the gate!!

Weight has also gone in the wrong direction as self imposed alcohol ban has been lifted on a couple of occasions..........

Next week we start again in the year of the Dragon....

Monday, January 16, 2012

A real struggle

A real struggle

Early session in the gym seemed a good idea after yesterday's success. This morning it proved less so. Even on the walk to the gym my legs were complaining and I needed to stop several times up an incline. In the end asked my colleague to go on ahead of me!

Once on the treadmill it was a similar story. No stopping but very slow. Called it a day after 30mins at average speed of 4.16k and incline of 4.5%

Hoping for better later this week.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Empire Hotel Brunei - great venue for best to date

After an afternoon nap (much needed!) and a plate of nachos an hour on the treadmill was by far my best since resuming regular gym work. Climbed 331 metres and estimate average incline was over 5.5% with average speed of 5.6k.

Felt good an pleased to say tennis in Doha did not leave me in as bad shape as I expected. A dash across a rugby pitch a daughter's touch event yesterday caused more issues with stomach muscles hurting for a while.

Am though feeling in good shape - weight loss progressing less well......

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homeward bound

In the airport lounge waiting for a 2am flight home - pleased to say I managed a treadmill session everday but one on this trip with today's 60 minute effort 5.2 k average speed and average incline of 3.9% followed up by an hour of competitive tennis. Luckily I was able to keep going and keep most rallies short - legs heavy now and will no doubt be stiff tomorrow but felt good!!!

a day and a half at home then off again this time Brunei, Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo are the destinations - should manage at least 4 sessions next week as with distances in Asia flights take a lot more time out of each day so it will be arrive late and start work early!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Update from Dubai airport

Have managed two straight out of bed straight to the gym mornings - not sure I can keep that up....
Yesterday 50 minutes flat at 5.5k average.

Today back to inclining but the machine was set to a maximum 30min session and did not provide average incline data. Still pleased to have kept up the momentum. Tomorrow face a busy day in Kuwait and an early evening flight to Bahrain - may settle for an evening workout....

Legs feeling better but think key that I don't push too much for speedy results and risk damage. Slow and steady is the way.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Treadmill in the Middle East

A 7 hour flight to Dubai and rather than channel hop at the hotel went straight to the gym. For once kit that has travelled with me has already been used.

In truth legs felt a little tired today so took it relatively easily with 55 minutes on the falt at an average of 5.2kmph. Thighs and front of right leg both a little painful.

Good though to have a session already done - hope to continue the momentum before starting meetings in the morning - am sure the 4 hour time difference will have me awake early!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A game of two halves & initially sore calves!

Tough session on the treadmill this afternoon and had I not been diagnosed with McArdle's would have been seriously sheepish and probably given in after 10 minutes.Diagnosis has helped me to understand my limits and to work within them.

End to 7 day juice detox and while coffee in the morning achieved primary objective, (movement if you get my drift) post a lovely dim sum lunch left feeling very foggy.

May have pushed tennis too hard yesterday as first thighs then calves voiced their complaints even at very slow speeds relative to yesterday. As ever listened to my body and took things slowly with sole objective today of completing 50 minutes. Today's unimpressive stats:

Wrote to here in the first 25 minutes of today's session when legs dictated a max speed of 3.5k.

Thereafter found the elusive second wind and got going, also more embarrassingly found Bachelor 12 strangely compelling.

Ended up doing 65 minutes with the second half turning things round nicely:

Overll for the sesson average speed of 5kmph at an incline of 5.4% and nicely dripping, which I always enjoy!!

End the week 3kg lighter and having stuck to exercise regime and easily avoided alcohol. So quite happy with that.

Next week's one night one city tour of the Middle East will challenge progress.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Getting much better least for today!

Day 7 of detox programme and feeling great, despite several infractions of the regime. On track though for 3kg weight loss, which would leave 4.5kg to go....

Amazing what can be done in terms of exercise on 2 apples, some pineapple, spinach and lime juiced and blended with a 1/4 avocado and some Spirulina and Wheat Grass powder. (Oops and a coffee today's first infraction)

Managed a late morning 50 minute treadmill session my best yet for this series:
5.5 average kmph 5.4% average incline

Including a couple of minutes jogging at the end. Felt good right from the off today.

I must keep this going!!

Subsequently managed an hour of tennis with 12 year old son. Luckily I can still make him move around the court rather than vice versa. A couple of dashed to the net had my thighs screaming so took extra time collecting balls before the next point!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

slow start

Hard getting going today. Felt sluggish for 1st five minutes but managed to emerge on other side without pain and finished strongly.
5.0 5.8%

Walking to the underground later today legs felt like led and ached while simply strolling - odd this disease......

Monday, January 2, 2012

1st treadmill of 2012

Back to work and have kept up the late morning treadmill regime and set a benchmark to build from:

50 mins Ave speed 5kmph Average incline 5.6%

On Day 5 of the juice programme and feeling pretty energetic - have cheated a little, but after 2 hours plus in the garden digging and replanting (slow and steady mind) felt I deserved a couple of Quality Street. Would be so much easier were they not in the fridge!!!

2 days to go.......

Next week likely to be challenging on several fronts with first business trip of the New Year to the Middle East - will certainly test my resolve.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Exercise for New Year's Eve consisted of a very enjoyable hour cricket net with my son. Think we finished even but I ache more today.

Detox day two saw compliance levels fall as a New Year's Eve Quality Street urge could not be bested. Still no alcohol meant today has been more productive than might otherwise have been the case. 100% detox compliance so far and an hour of digging in the garden for exercise. Need to get back to work and the gym to resume treadmill activity, which is far more McArdle's friendly.