New Counter 29 December 2011

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Post cricket pain free Monday and year to date PB

Now eating more but generally very keto diet. Played cricket yesterday and a couple of points of note. Normally I hate batting the last 5 overs of an innings as it is the time when one is under most pressure to run and hence I have always been worried by, and often impacted by, M at that stage of a game. Yesterday batted the last 5 overs of our innings without any sign of M and without any opportunity for a run being missed. Also managed to simply focus on batting and probably for that reason did so much better than I have for quite some time.

Then kept wicket for 30 overs (180 squats for those unfamiliar). Normally post match the next morning my quads will be sore - this morning none of that and to cap it off completed by 3rd best treadmill session ever at 7.27km and average speed of 87.kmph, fuelled simply by a coffee and whipped cream this morning.

Significant progress....

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