New Counter 29 December 2011

Monday, March 2, 2015

In the zone

Day 5 and finished yesterday with another 50 laps of the pool. Also allowed myself a treat or two, with cheese all but gone (200g has lasted 5 days) and me dreaming of food decided to sample what the fantastic market has to offer. Yesterday it was a small portion (50cents worth) of squid in spicey sauce, exquisite, today 3 small pieces of deep fried belly pork, the remainder donated to an old lady for her dog, though she may well have snacked on it herself. And finally another two spoons of minced chicken. Have also snacked on very keto friendly sunflower kernels. But aim to keep to this very low level of intake for at least 5 more days.

Loving the keto energy I have and this morning uo early again and on the road walking by 7. Two hours later over 12km covered, hills and all and no slower than a brisk walk with a couple of jogs thrown in.

Massage and steam followed. Intend another 50 lengths later and then am aiming for 100 first thing tomorrow. Of course none of this would be possible without ketosis and while it is an effort to get deeply into it the reward is simply stunning. ‎

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