New Counter 29 December 2011

Sunday, March 1, 2015

80 hours in...

80 hours in and am free. Awoke this morning early put swimming trunks on and descended 2 flights of stairs to a 25 metre pool. Jumped in and swam 50 lengths without an iota of McArdle sensation. Arms and legs functioned as I imagine they always should and toward the end I was able to push the pace higher without much issue. Great to be back in this zone of capability‎.

Not surprised as yesterday morning I had abandoned watching the cricket and walked the 10k back to my hotel. Hotter and inclines no less harsh but toward the end I was pacing up the last slope with no sign of cramping or soreness. Calf muscles benefitted from a massage afterwards but clear to me that ketosis was beginning to work its full magic.

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