New Counter 29 December 2011

Thursday, April 2, 2015

New normal - much improved on old normal.......

Continuing ketogenic and continuing to prosper 15,000 steps a day now normal, when in Singapore, with a 10k walk either to or from the office most days, and last week included two cricket net sessions, free to get involved at a far higher level than ever before. Free

A short trip to UK interrupted my improvement and a poor treadmill session was a disappointment last week. That an average speed of only 7.4kmph now disappoints me is a sign of how much I have progressed. A business trip this week has delayed my attempt on a new PB further but am confident I will get a 9kmph session soon. Day to day M really seems now to be a fading memory. I am already factoring in less of a cushion in walking anywhere.

Business‎ trip to Tokyo and have managed to dine carefully and remain in ketosis. New found desire to walk everywhere an irritation to my colleague who wanted to taxi!! Surreal role reversal though he might not have fully recognised it. 

Looking forward to another game of cricket tomorrow and to once again playing unrestricted by M. Also have been delighted by news of a friend who is now trying the Keto diet and is experiencing the exact same elation I did on 1st discovering the power it has last year.

Hope more people will get that incredible boost as time goes by.

Blood tests next week....

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