New Counter 29 December 2011

Monday, June 29, 2020

80% done

Awake before the alarm and head out by 6am for a 3km walk with the dogs, brisk as a slight chill in the early morning air. Then to my training venue, not playing cricket yet due to Covid but  a kids football pitch gives me a great loop to run/walk around. Today I started by jogging one side, walking three and jogging one. As I went I managed to add to the jog and walk 11/2 sides jog 1 1/2. All this led to a new 2020 PB of 6.14km so a great start to my week.

two things I forgot to highlight yesterday that help me is training either on the treadmill or the same area, which allows consistent comparison and music. I have a 50 minute play list and know bnow where I am in the session by the tracks that come next. Johnny Was by Stiff Little Fingers at about 40 minutes is the signal to push for home!

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