New Counter 29 December 2011

Monday, September 22, 2014

Two more days and two more lifetime PBs - Keto is working for me - no question


Another PB and significantly better than yesterday with 7.1k covered in 50 minutes at an average speed of 8.6kmph. Jogged almost immediately today and kept gradually increasing with last 20 mins at 9 and above. Great feeling. 

Important to note that I have exercised quite regularly since 2005 and have followed Dr Slonim's advice in that regard and in having a lower carb higher protein diet. Going Ketogenic has simply taken things to another and completely new level, with the added benefit of much more energy all round.




Great feeling to come off the treadmill dripping in sweat and with another lifetime PB achieved with a very satisfying 40 plus minute jog. 6.9k in 50 minutes at 8.3kmph average. And on a Monday morning after cricket at the weekend, where I played without any thought of M, able simply to focus on the ball. Significantly no post game stiffness, which in previous weeks has ruled out Monday morning exercise.

Now finding staying in ketosis easier as well. Need though to start using some of the keto recipes I have acquired to improve the variety of my diet. 

Scheduling blood tests for this weekend to check cholesterol among other things.


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