New Counter 29 December 2011

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Time for precision....

Now getting round to more structure on my diet and for the next week I will aim for 1800 - 2000 calories a day with a goal of 10% carbs, 30% protein and 70% fat (no more than 30g carb), while I also intend to do a daily treadmill 50 minute session and to test my blood keytone level first thing tomorrow, Wednesday, morning, and Saturday morning. 

Will continue for a further week and then get my cholesterol tested. 

‎Doing some study this morning and disappointed with book The Ketogenic Diet by Jennifer Williams. All recipes higher in protein than fat and little explanation of where the 70% fat in diet comes from. Or indeed of whether it is 70% in weight or as a % of calories. I assume its calories.

An hour of cricket nets followed by 90 minutes walking and jogging  this evening while my son had touch rugby training. Felt good. ‎

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