New Counter 29 December 2011

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Starting Again.........................

Does everyone lose fitness so quickly? I know for me if I don't keep regularly exercising my capability plummets. Hence the spreadsheet I use to track my treadmill sessions is saved as Starting Again - 2021 sees me starting again for the 6th time since 2015 and my 1st session of this new campaign was suitably poor. In August last year I managed 6.3km in 50 minutes, when I started up again on 2nd Jan this year only 3.46km was possible. I hope to better my 2020 best this year and am setting myself a new target of 365 50 minute treadmill sessions during 2021. 13 down, a heck of a way to go but  I hope that through creating a good habit better performance will follow. 

Last Saturday I needed to catch up on a few missed sessions (New Year's Day being one - no surprise had you seen me at 1am...) with sport to watch, from the treadmill, and completed 3 sessions. No surprise to me that the 3rd (having only consumed a modest amount of cheese ) was my best so far by a good margin. In fact by a full 1/2 mile. 



Have completed one session today planning a second to coincide with cricket highlights in 30 minutes.  After that I'll have some breakfast.....


Planning to go fully keto once I have the exercise regime established rather than to try both at once.


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