New Counter 29 December 2011

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Lockdown- using it not losing it- upping the ante

Decided in the last few days to up the pace and make best use of being in lockdown so it's now two daily 50 minute sessions for the foreseeable. Already yielding dividends with two sessions yesterday and a diet containing few carbs meant at 11am this morning, having not eaten since last night, I was able to settle into a good pace and achieve a year to date best of 5. 09km. The tell tale taste of keto, a little like the morning after lots of garlic, made my mind up for me to immediately take on a second session. Clearly in ketosis I was able to start at 6.5kmph and to continue without any issue. Stiff Little Fingers music helped and 5km was passed in 43 minutes, a new target for future sessions, and I ended up at 5. 83km for the session, already a huge improvement on where I started this year. 19 sessions done and importantly keto achieved - I checked levels post session and I am at 1.2mmol/L. Happy days !!


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