New Counter 29 December 2011

Monday, February 1, 2016

Keto working well at the beginning of 2016

I don't think I have played two games of cricket in a weekend in at least 15 years. This past weekend I have, and have contributed, and most importantly not had a single M issue. I was moderately in ketosis yesterday at 0.4MMol and in a format where each age range from U20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 and over 50 has to have two players I was in the latter and bowled 4 overs and over the weekend fielded for 60 overs (3hours plus).

Over Christmas I spent a week skiing again focussing on a low carb diet with plenty of fat. I skied 5 days, morning and afternoon, in a 10 person group led by an instructor. That meant few stops and lots of ground covered. Again M was not an issue.

Whether a full ketogenic diet is needed or whether improvement can be gained simply through keeping carbs low is perhaps up for debate. I am 100% sure that for me restricting carbs and getting into ketosis enables me to do things I could not otherwise. ‎

On the fat front I am finding with nuts seeds, avocado, fish and plenty of olive oil I am hitting a 70/20/10 ratio of fats/protein/carbs quite easily. No longer supplementing with whipped cream or cheese so often.

Have yet to establish a regular treadmill regime in 2016 but have managed a session of 50 mins in which I covered 6.6km at an average speed of 8kmph....

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