New Counter 29 December 2011

Monday, October 19, 2015

Time for an update......

It has been a while since I updated the blog and a while since I was firmly in ketosis and regularly compliant exercise wise. As I now am at least fully in ketosis and getting there exercise wise I thought it timely to provide a full response to a question raised on the M FB Group.

For me ketosis frees me from the daily concerns M often provides. Should I walk with a colleague between meetings or can I somehow make a taxi seem needed? Walk uphill with friends or meet them there?‎ Walk or drive? These days the answer is quite simple walk and without ever needing to stop to tie a shoe lace. Simply ketosis allows me normalcy for aerobic exercise. Still no lifting for me but the above is a boon.

It also allows me to exercise at a higher level. Before ketosis my best ever 50 min treadmill‎ session was with an average speed of 7.4kmph. In ketosis today I started at 7kmph and averaged 8.1kmph, that is below my in ketosis PB of 8.9kmph achieved last year, but only my 4th session after a little hiatus so am expecting improvement over coming weeks.

With the ability to exercise comes better weight control as I find diet alone does not allow me to lose weight. Ketogenic diet with exercise does.

Finally will be giving this regime a few more weeks and then testing cholesterol. Exercise combined with a keto diet absent carbs and dairy will I hope bring my levels down.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there,

My name is Ric and I am a fellow mcardles sufferer, living in London.
I'd love to pick you brains a bit on your diet and levels of exercise as I am beginning to experiment with a Ketogenic diet and am a little wet behind the ears.
If you could drop me a line on, that'd be greatly appreciated.
All the best mate,
