New Counter 29 December 2011

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Its been a while - ketosis still working..

1st day back in the gym for a while today and a 50min 7.5 kmph session was a reasonable start - have been exercising plenty mostly walking out doors and now plan to refocus on the treadmill for 10 days and see where that gets me.

I was reminded of the value of ketosis while on a recent trip to Australia on business.

A week away, where for 3 1/2 days I walked at pace with a colleague through streets of Melbourne and Sydney. Up hills and in a hurry without problem. Yet on the final day I over indulged on the carbs front and was given a reminder of how debilitating that can be. Out of the last meeting of the day and even before we hit a short hill I had to stop, 4 or 5 more times before we crested I had to again stop, rest and recover.

 A small setback as well with blood test results as cholesterol levels are elevated. While my HDL is at its best ever level of 59 LDL is high at 289 and up slightly on September. have gone back to taking cholesterol medication and will retest. Feel more tired but am hoping this side effect will be temporary.

Daily walks of at least 10km are keeping me active.

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