So its been a while since my last blog and after excelling in March and reaching a PB for the last several years of 6.81km in 50 minutes I have let things slip and today was only able to do 5.4km. Disruption to my daily schedule in April meant I only did 13 sessions during the month and have as a result regressed. It has though served to emphasise how easy it is to slip up and how quickly deterioration in capability follows.
In March I did 33 sessions and averaged 6km per session. In April only 13 and my average had slipped to 5.64km. So far this month I am having to build back 14 session at an average of 5.37km. Diet has been broadly the same and I have continued to exercise on minimal food.
On the positive side I am still way ahead of where I started the year and have managed 159 sessions towards by 365 session target.
Work to do! Even more so as I am signed up to a 26mile walk on 17th July. more details in due course on that.
The above pattern is a small picture of life with M - when I have followed the regime set by Dr Slonim and exercised on the treadmill daily I have managed to improve and that helps in daily life and with weight. When I have not deterioration has followed as night follows day.