New Counter 29 December 2011

Thursday, January 10, 2008

So far so good

10 days into the new year and on both the exercise and weight front things are progressing nicely.


On reflection my weight on NY day was probably something of an anomaly but perhaps overstating the position is helpful as weight has tumbled off since. This morning I tipped the scales at 81.5kg thanks to a fairly strict, I think McCardle's friendly, regime of Tofu treat (not sure these two words sit comfortably together) for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch and protein and veg/salad for dinner. the odd chocolate has so far not derailed progress.

Tofu is interesting stuff - high protein, low carb and low cholesterol - seems the perfect McCardle's food, unless of course texture and taste are important to you. Fortunately a dressing of fried onion and garlic in a light soy sauce provides flavour.  Will se how cholesterol stands at the end of the month as I hope to avoid going back on drugs.

Progress is though threatened by my father's arrival yesterday with enough sweets and biscuits from England to open a small shop......


Somewhat more remarkably I have managed to stick to the daily exercise regime prescribed by Dr Slonim.

Two minutes in to my first session on New Year's day I doubted I could complete the 45 minute session. My Calves were screaming even at 1.8km per hour. I kept going and managed to complete the session increasing speed in two minute intervals up to a maximum of 5.1kmph.

10 days on and now the regime is much easier, though I have switched to early morning and have noted this has been more difficult. Mid afternoon has been best when I have been able to peak at around 7kmph and sustain this speed for several minutes without issue.

The Singapore climate means for the first time in a while I have raised a sweat exercising - not sure I will ever experience the endorphin rush people speak of but am certainly pleased with progress so far.

Next week sees my first business trip of the year - 3 days in North Asia so it will be a challenge to fit exercise in around my business meetings and daily flights. The regime though does at least allow blackberry use while on the treadmill so time can be used efficiently even if it is likely to induce the odd glance from other gym users at the initial snails pace walk.